
23rd Jan, 2014

Trans-Border Reputation in laws of Trademark

Trans-Border Reputation in laws of Trademark
23rd Jan, 2014

Retrospective effect of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (‘2013 Act’)

The Supreme Court delivered in first judgement on the newly enacted land Acquisition Act, wherein it laid down the circumstances wherein the 2013 Act would have retrospective operation
15th Jan, 2014

Undisclosed income assessed on the basis of loose sheets of papers

The Jharkhand High Court was seized of a matter wherein the Income Tax Department assessed the income of an assesses on the basis of entries on the loose sheet of papers
5th Jan, 2014

Whether Hospitals carrying out commercial activities fall under Section 1o(23C) (iiiae), Income Tax Act, 1961

It was clarified that a hospital or institution to fall within the sub clause must exist solely for philanthropic purposes and not for the purpose of profit
5th Jan, 2014

DNA test to determine Paternity #indianlaws #marriagelaws

The Supreme Court dealing with the issue of presumption of birth during marriage has held
1st Jan, 2014

Grant of leave to defend under Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958

Principles of grant of leave to defend in summary procedure proceedings of DRCA
11th Dec, 2013

Scope of Section 446 Companies Act, 1956

Principles governing staying of suit in pursuance of winding up proceedings
4th Dec, 2013

Whether mere referring and labeling the deed as “irrevocable” would not make the deed irrevocable

Whether mere referring and labeling the deed as “irrevocable” would not make the deed irrevocable
28th Nov, 2013

Judicial Review of the process of Grant of Contract

The Supreme Court of India after considering several authorities elaborated the law of tender as under:
24th Nov, 2013

Sale of Minor’s property cannot be done without obtaining the prior permission of the Court.

In view of the provisions of Section 8(2) of the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956 one cannot mortgage or charge, or transfer by sale, gift of the minor’s property without taking prior permission of […]
21st Nov, 2013

If right transferred is not copyright or the right to use copyright but a limited right to use the copyrighted material, it does not give rise to royalty income

Whether the consideration received by the Assessee on grant of licences for use of software is royalty within the meaning of Article 12(3) of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between India and the United States […]
20th Nov, 2013

Medical Doctors are not workmen

Medical Doctors discharging functions of medical officersare not “workmen” within the meaning of expression contained in Section 2(s) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947